Results The CT features in200 HIE were hypo-attenuated substantia alba, accompanied with intra-cranial hemorrhage, widened cavity of septum pellucidum and cerebral infarction. 结果200例HIE患儿头颅CT改变主要为脑白质低密度,可合并颅内出血或透明隔间隙增宽以及脑梗塞。
The AR and NGF positive production located in substantia grisea of spinal cord, but negative in substantia alba. 在脊髓颈膨大中,AR和NGF免疫阳性产物广泛分布于脊髓的灰质中,而在白质中未见其阳性表达。
Conclusion: HIE can be diagnosed by the findings of hypo-attenuated substantia alba and intracranial hemorrhage on CT scanning, combined with clinical histories and manifestations of intro-uterine neonate asphyxia. 结论:据新生儿宫内窒息缺氧病史及临床表现,结合头颅CT表现,对本病可做出诊断。